
Experimental Film & Video Festival Zürich

Experimental Film and Video Festival Zürich

radical amateurism - Belgrad Historical

Sa 01.06. 16:15h Cinema Z3

Kuratiert von Aleksandra Sekulić.

Interventionen eines radikalen Amateurismus

Zeitgenössische Produktionen lassen sich als Lesarten der «Sprache der Freiheit» (Bojan Jovanivić) interpretieren, die im alternativen Film der 1970er und 1980er artikuliert worden ist (Miroslav Bata Petrović). Im experimentelle Avantgarde-Film Jugoslawiens von Sava Trifković und Ivko Šešić findet sich das Begehren, Film aus dem vorgegebenen Rahmen des Filmgeschäfts zu lösen und mit ihm das Vermögen zu schaffen für eine neue Sensibilität. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist The Hands of the Purple Distances von Sava Trifković eine sublimierte filmische Erfahrung, eine Initiation in eine solche neue Sensibilität (wie im Gedicht Der Gärtner (1914) von Rabindranath Tagore: «The push of death has swung her into life.»). Im Film von Miroslav Bata Petrović (The Influence of Earth’s Gravity to Naïve Beings) wird auf die Position des Kindes fokussiert, was ein Gefühl der Beklemmung hervorruft. Praznik von Jovan Jovanović ist eine filmische Antizipation des Mediums Video und eine spezifische, offene Definition von Experiment und ermöglichte damit zukünftigen Praktiken.

We can read contemporary production also as readings of the «language of freedom» (Bojan Jovanović) which was articulated by the alternative film in 1970s and 1980s (as noted by Miroslav Bata Petrović), but also trace the roots of the desire to emancipate film from the given frames of the film economy and give it the power to build new sensibility as it was developed by avant-garde film and categorized in SFRY as experimental (Sava Trifković, Ivko Šešić). We can observe The Hands of the Purple Distances made by Sava Trifković as the sublimated film experience and initiation of the new sensibility in the field of experiment in film (followed by the quote from The Gardener by Rabindranath Tagore: «The push of death has swung her into life»). Shift was made by the generation of alternative film: chosen fixation of the position of the child, evoking anxiety in the film of Miroslav Bata Petrović: The Influence of Earth’s Gravity to Naïve Beings; the film anticipation of the video medium evolution in Praznik by Jovan Jovanović, where we meet with a specific open definition of experiment which enabled building on to future practices. (Aleksandra Sekulić)

Aleksandra Sekulić ist Kuratorin im Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade, Mitglied der Kosmoplovci group (digital arts, music, film).

161. Ruke ljubicastih daljina (The Hands Of Purple Distances)

Sava Trifkovic, YU 1962, 16mm, 11:00 min

Sava Trifkovic graduated in architecture at the University of Belgrade. He participated in the process of articulation of the cine-amateurism; its production and manifest politics, as a member of Academic Cine Club.

162. Krik (The Scream)

Ivko Sesic, YU 1978, 16mm, 02:30 min

Ivko Sesic authored films as a member of the Academic Cine Club in Belgrade and organized the STAFF festival. He curated and organized film programs in Students’ City Cultural Center in Belgrade, where he worked in establishing the Archive of alternative film and video.

163. Dejstvo zemljine teze na naivna bica (The influence of the Earth’s gravity to the naïve beings)

Miroslav Bata Petrovic, YU 1983, 16mm, 09:00 min

Miroslav Bata Petrovic started his film practice in 1970 within the cine-amateurism, and later continued in professional production. He authored more than 100 films, awarded at various amateur film festivals and organized numerous manifestations and publications dedicated to this film practice.

164. Praznik (The Holiday)

Bojan Jovanovic, YU 1983, 16mm, 11:00 min

Bojan Jovanovic, who has a PhD in ethnology, works at the Balkanology Institute in Belgrade. He has published poetry, essays, scientific works. As a member of the Academic Cine Club, he authored more than 40 films, awarded on numerous festivals and contributed to the articulation of alternative film practices.


Office / Festival:

VIDEOEX Festival 2014
Kanonengasse 20
CH-8004 Zürich

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